The EU is one of the most major actors in the World with nearly 500 million citizens and 15$ trillion total GDP which is the biggest in the World. Moreover, the EU is the most influential players for external trade in the World. Furthermore, it can be said that the EU is the most active promoter of trade liberalization but at the same time it is vulnerable to external or systemic shocks like the last financial and economic crisis. However, the last financial crisis is a perfect example to test the EU’s functioning of the EMU, its efficiency for policy coordination and its external economic role. The EU’s Internal Economic System Main Targets: Common policies and coordination through Single Market and EMU, further liberalization and more business friendly environment (Tsoukalis 2005). Monetary policy capacity: Truly supranational. Main Actor: European Central Bank. Fiscal policy: Remains largely national. The EU’s Trade Power ‘The EU is a formidable power in trade. […]. Its poten...
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